
I'm an aspiring boutique owner with dreams of painting the world PINK!!! Femininity is a trait I believe all women should celebrate and embrace. I have a love for vintage fashion and all things nostalgic! 'Vintage' women like Dorothy Dandridge, Marilyn Monroe and Lucille Ball inspire me.

MVH will be a 'webstination' (web+destination) for women to celebrate their womanhood...a PINK sanctuary!!!

Come with me on this glamorous journey!!!!

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14 November 2010

Impossible is Nothing!!! (credit to Nike)

There's no such thing as impossible unless you believe in limitations! As humans we are capable of so many wonderful things. I admit I wasn't always open to such optimistic thinking, I had even thought it was silly or child-like to "follow your dreams"! My limited perspective is obviously much different now that I am not only following my dreams but I am living them! How refreshing!! My desire to reach and live my wildest dreams has been further inspired by one of the great minds of the Late Gothic, Early Renaissance era: Filippo Brunelleschi, the master mind responsible for the creation and construction of the Florence Cathedral Dome (Florence, Italy)!! Brunelleschi silenced critics and naysayers simply by acting on his thoughts! We should all take note of how important an achievement like this is and appreciate the greater message behind it and that simply is : Thoughts become Things!!!

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." Albert Einstein

P.S . Be sure to google Filippo Brunelleschi/ Dome of Florence Cathedral, trust me you will be inspired!!!

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